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Теперь платить за износ дорожного полотна будут те, кто причиняет ему максимальный ущерб,– 12-тонники.…
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Объемы грузовых железнодорожных перевозок по итогам года могут упасть на 1,2–1,8%, сообщил президент…
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Tracking VED


Our company can offer you a diverse range of services in support of the FEA.

In particular, this:

1. Selection of the foreign companies producing the products you are interested
2. Control how reliable this or that company (as a manufacturer and supplier of the goods)
3. Preparation and direct negotiations with foreign companies
4. Preparation of necessary documents for conclusion of contracts with foreign partners
5. Tracking product quality when sending to Russia
6. Issuance of insurance documents for the cargo
7. Design certification for the products
8. The paperwork at customs
9. Customs clearance of goods
10. Organization of cargo transportation in special containers
11. Organization of transportation of General cargo
12. Advising on all matters of foreign economic activity
13. Outsourcing of foreign economic activities "turnkey

Get a free consultation by phone +7(495) 724-09-47


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