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To enter the international market, any company need quality FEA consulting. It includes expert advice on any matters relating to external economic work, in particular, customs clearance, advice on trade law and domestic regulatory documents, addressing conflict issues, etc. Professional foreign trade consultant will help you choose and sign a contract with reliable partners abroad, develop and evaluate actions that will reduce your risks, determine the cost of customs duties, classification codes of the goods.

Only a professional knows that any contract of supply of goods should take into account the settlements by letters of credit must be adhered to delivery times, to comply with the norms of domestic and international trade law, monetary law, laws on consumer protection. When searching for the right for you contract, the FEA takes into account the product classification, time and payment terms, delivery, type of transport used, availability of support. Also, FEA-adviser will arrange the purchase and delivery of abroad high-tech products, objects of intellectual property.

Our company will help you solve the following issues:

1. To execute contracts for the carriage of cargo
2. To negotiate the terms and framework for the organization of cargo transportation, cargo handling at customs and payment of products
3. To assess the risks and do your best to avoid them
4. To plan, analyze and optimize processes in the international market
5. Prepare all the necessary documents to work with international partners
6. Organize logistics and transport, financial and documentary flows
7. Monitor quality performance of all terms of the transaction

Get a free consultation by phone +7(495) 724-09-47


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